English classes. Native teachers. A Fun & Fast Investment in Your Future!
Our mission is to help you speak like a native, in the shortest time possible!
No more memorising textbooks, just natural language retention through enjoyable learning!
Parents and children testimonials
EXCELENT Pe baza a 20 de recenzii Dana Carstoiu2022-04-04Trustindex verifică că sursa originală a recenziei este Google. Both my Kids have had classes by Native English School: my daugter (8) for cca 1 year and my son (11) for 6 months and they love it. The teachers know how to make the class attractive and the children get confidence with speaking as learning is done having fun. It is mostly for improving conversational skills and less related to writing: there are supporting materials but my Kids do not write during the classes. I believe it is the perfect way for classes that take place after school. To conclude, the experience with NES is a positive one and I definitely recommend them. Florin Cotoc2022-04-04Trustindex verifică că sursa originală a recenziei este Google. Fetita mea urmeaza cursurile NES din martie 2021 si dupa un an progresele realizate sunt vizibile. Mai mult decat atat, acest curs a reusit sa o faca sa indrageasca engleza si acum asteapta cu nerabdare fiecare ora de curs. Alchimia profesorilor cu elevii este deosebita si lectiile sunt atractive si amuzante. Ligia S2022-04-04Trustindex verifică că sursa originală a recenziei este Google. Lectii de engleza interactive cu profesori nativi. Se pune accent pe conversatie si pe metode interactive care le plac mult copiilor. Recomand si pentru pregatirea pentru examenele Cambridge. Ana Maria2022-04-04Trustindex verifică că sursa originală a recenziei este Google. Calitatea actului educational, grupele mici, metodele de predare - toate net superioare alternativelor din piata. Dupa 1 an de British Council in care evolutia a fost zero, copiii mei invata cu placere si accelerat engleza. 5/5 pentru 2 ani si jumatate de colaborare exceptionala. Madalina C2022-01-24Trustindex verifică că sursa originală a recenziei este Google. Matei face lectii la aceasta scoala din aprilie 2020, deci deja intram in anul 2 de lectii saptamanale cu Native English School. II plac lectiile, ii place si echipa si faptul ca unii sunt mai avansati decat el este un avantaj pentru ca nu invata doar de la profesor, ci de la colegi. Avem teme de facut sub forma unor scurte videoclipuri pe care le face de fiecare data cu incantare, iar eu sunt fericita ca focusul este si pe gramatica la ore, dar mai ales pe exprimare si vocabular - adica exact ce iti trebuie atunci cand mergi intr-o calatorie oriunde in lume: sa te descurci bine in conversatii. Pentru noi orele cu Native English au combinatia optima de invatat si fun. Oana Stanciu2022-01-24Trustindex verifică că sursa originală a recenziei este Google. Suntem foarte mulțumiți de școala cu profesori nativi de engleză. Fiul meu a învățat foarte repede și are acum note foarte bune la școală. Sunt sigură că îi va fi de folos in viitor, in orice meserie se va califica. Metoda de predare este prietenoasa cu elevul, se joacă învățând și progresează foarte bine. Recomand cu căldură această școală. English Club2020-09-22Trustindex verifică că sursa originală a recenziei este Google. A safe and comfortable space for children to learn and practice their English language skills.
Why choose us
The four pillars of our school
Qualified native teachers. International experience.
With a minimum of 5 years teaching experience, all our teachers have travelled the globe to work at top International Schools, experiencing many different cultures along the way! This experience has developed a teaching style and method unique to our centre that will help you learn English as fast as a native! READ MORE
Quick learning. Unique tools.
Our lessons do not feel like a typical English class! They are fun and interactive without the need for memorising textbooks or undertaking copious amounts of boring homework after each and every class! READ MORE
Real people. Real topics. Real benefits.
On your schedule. All year round for competitive edge.
Our centre does not close over school holiday periods, being open an entire calendar year in order for our students to have continual and constant progression and development in their language journey… READ MORE
Our classes
Find the right program for your needs
We are the only English School in Romania to use the Genki program to teach young learners – which has been Harvard researched to get fast, effective results in the shortest possible time. This software gets children not only speaking English within 2 or 3 lessons but also gives them the ability to understand, ask and answer questions in full sentences. Genki is a program to be truly amazed by! … READ MORE
Online 49 RON+VAT/lesson
67 RON+VAT/lesson
4-7 yo
7-9 yo
45 min
60 min
Due to the design of our lessons and the methods we use and the teaching style the children progress through the Cambridge assessment scale each new year and even every 6 months in some cases. In our Cambridge Preparation lessons, although we are using the best Cambridge Workbooks in class, we are not just following these books like all the other centres or schools do … READ MORE
67 RON+VAT/lesson
7+ yo
60 min
We are one of the few, if not the only centre in Romania using the Ted Talk Software – the software is designed to get maximum results on a wide range of thought provoking topics, through the power of storytelling. The idea behind the software is to teach the students through real world information, to become a better, more confident speaker who is able to express their ideas on a wide range of topics that matter in today’s World … READ MORE
67 RON+VAT/lesson
13+ yo
60 min
107 RON +VAT/lesson
18+ yo
60 min
1. Book an evaluation
It’s super easy! Fill out the form, choose an available time slot that fits into your schedule, pay at checkout!
2. Get your feedback
The evaluation will take place via Zoom, with one of our native teachers, and lasts around 30 minutes.
3. Register for class
Get your first lesson FREE once you register for class!